Any comments/suggestions?

Do you guys have any suggestions about what we could do for all of our designer toys (like making them detachable from the base) or any other kind of suggestion?


sub_out said...

i like the star but you should find a way to incorporate the struck part. idk

$macneil$ said...

I think they should be detachable, and the figures should have holes in the bottom so you can hook them to the base

Shanese said...

We like the logo! Maybe make it shiny somehow because when we think of stars we think of shiny.

Keep up the good work!! :)

-Feeling Mooo-dy

mmkrigney said...

Maybe you guys could just make the feet bigger, yet still keep it cutesy, instead of making a detachable base.

gladys said...

We like the logo, you should like make it colorful since your company is somewhat about zodiac signs

This is Sparta!! said...
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This is Sparta!! said...

i think that they should be able to be detachable, but you may need some sort of way to put them back on. You guys got a good idea

Dro said...

I think you should make them stay on their podiums. I don't think little kids should play with these so I don't think it's necessary \.

ayeeitstracy said...

I like the fact is is on the podium because it looks like a statue and it has the high class feeling.

oconnor said...

Now that I understand your concept, everything makes more sense. Going with astrological sign is a unique idea. I like it!
Regarding your character, does your design need a base? I think when you make the model out of clay you'll have a better idea if the base is needed. Try making 2 designs one with a thicker bottom just incase you don't use the base.

One more thing, have you thought about doing chinese zodiac designs?

MUFF said...

You should make them tick

tanielu77 said...

you should make your logo a little flashy,but other then that it looks good........

Curtis Furumoto said...

The podium is a tremendous idea - it's certainly visually pleasing and I really like the fact that it ties the entire set together with the name of the represented sign.

Design-wise, everything looks great so far...really, the only suggestion I'd have is to thicken up some of the thinner portions of your figures. (Particularly the Libra figure, since the scale wires look like they will very probably break off during the production.) Nice work! I am definitely looking forward to seeing your productions take shape.

Anonymous said...

yes it all matches because the signs and the stars thingy.
astrological thinga mabober......................

PaKa said...

the design matches the concept your goin with, for the toys...good job
nice logo

sub_out said...

you should change your logo because it doesnt relate to the name

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